Monday 24 November 2008

Darling sets Britain on course for bust

Following today's pre-budget report and the news of tax cuts (or should that be con?) that could bring Britain to the brink of bankruptcy I have one response: liars.

It is not the minimal tax cuts or rising debt that particularly upsets me, although important, it is the massive deception that the Brown government is taking part in. Not only are the tax cuts minimal and what Labourites hope to be a public relations coup, they will affect British people not one iota. This budget will swell the national debt to £1 trillion, mean tax rises in the future and will do nothing to boost spending; thanks to the constant media gloom.

While the Government cuts one tax, they increase the other. I believe that we should put the future stability of Britain's economy first and introduce a budget that promotes responsibility and saving. Taxes should stay as they are, we must promote savings, provide incentives for foreign investment and bring vital projects forward to create British jobs. Any borrowing needed for the above could be prevented by cutting bureaucracy and improving efficiency in Government.

As someone who will be able to vote in the next election, this budget and Government has failed massively to win my vote.

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